
Installation should take less than 5 minutes

System Requirements

CentOS Linux 7 or above

Required packages

conda (mamba) 4.6 or above

Download here:

snakemake 7.15.1 or above

Download here:

Clone repository

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Set up conda with snakemake environment

This pipeline uses python2.7 and python3.6 with additional R scripts in a Snakemake pipeline. The .yml files provided will create the appropriate environments and is completely handled by MPRAsnakeflow. The whole pipeline is set up to run on a Linux system.

Install the the conda environment. The general conda environment is called mprasnakeflow.

cd MPRAsnakeflow
conda create -c bioconda -c conda-forge -n mprasnakeflow snakemake

# activate MPRAsnakeflow
conda activate mprasnakeflow

To deactivate the environment, use:

conda deactivate

Quick test

conda activate mprasnakeflow
snakemake --help